5 Ways to bring out the big KID in you!

Do you ever feel like the FUN inside you has been completely drained?

With the hustle and bustle of adult life, it’s so easy to get caught up in responsibilities and forget to have FUN. Especially for us mums, we’re always organising, planning, and doing. But this summer, let’s make a pact to bring out the big kid in all of us! 🌞✨

Summer is the perfect time to tap into that little kid inside you and just let loose! 🤪

Here are five fun and exciting ways to make this summer unforgettable for you and your family.

1. Roll Around in the Grass 🌿

Remember those carefree days of childhood when you would roll down a hill without a second thought? It’s time to bring that back!

Find a lush green park, check for poo, kick off your shoes, and roll down a hill. Feel the grass beneath you and let the giggles flow. You might feel a bit dizzy and a little sick but hey, it won’t last long!! It’s a simple yet exhilarating way to reconnect with your inner child and enjoy nature. 

2. Pillow Fights & Tickle Sessions 🎈

Transform your living room into a playground. Grab some pillows, have a playful fight, and let the tickle monsters loose. There’s something incredibly freeing about letting go of your inhibitions and indulging in a good old-fashioned pillow fight.

We normally give each other nicknames and just go for it!

The laughter and joy that come from these spontaneous moments are priceless. Plus, belly laughs are the best medicine for any stress or worry!

3. Ice Cream Adventure 🍦

Who doesn’t love ice cream? Go on an ice cream hunt in your city. Visit different ice cream parlours and try out various flavours.

Make it a fun family outing, and let your taste buds explore new delights. Whether it’s classic vanilla, exotic mango, or a quirky flavour like bacon and maple syrup, each scoop is a new adventure. 

To be honest I’m just a chocolate fan but I’m more than happy to sample all of the different chocolate flavours.

4. Water Balloon Fights 🏊

I feel I can spend a lot of time saying “don’t get wet’! It’s so boring – so fill up some water balloons and have an epic battle in your garden.

Invite friends and family over for a water balloon fight extravaganza. It’s a fantastic way to cool off, get some exercise, and have a blast. The thrill of dodging water balloons and the laughter lets you hang loose and have a well deserved laugh!

5. Story Time Under the Stars 📚

There’s something magical about a night under the stars. Grab some blankets, head to the garden, and read stories under the night sky.

Make up your own tales, share favourite childhood stories, or even read a chapter from your fav book. The serene environment, combined with the twinkling stars, will ignite your imagination and bring a sense of wonder. It’s a perfect way to wind down the day and bond with your family.

Embrace the Moment

Remember, it’s all about enjoying the moment and creating memories. Show your kids that life isn’t just about chores and schedules. It’s also about belly laughs, silly dances, and spontaneous fun. By embracing your inner child, you’re teaching them the importance of joy and playfulness.

So, let’s dive into this summer with a playful spirit. Forget the stress and responsibilities for a while and indulge in pure, unadulterated fun. After all, life is too short to be serious all the time.