Are you living your life controlled by fear!?

This summer, my family and I had an unexpected adventure during our trip to Thailand.

Both of my children ended up in the hospital—one due to a jellyfish sting and the other from a delayed allergic reaction to a wasp sting. While I managed to stay calm for their sake, I couldn’t ignore the fear that surged through me.

Fear is a natural response, especially after such intense experiences. Our brains are wired to protect us, keeping us safe from harm. But sometimes, this protective mechanism can morph into a fear that holds us back, making us anxious about what might happen again.

In these moments, I remind my children about the incredible power of their minds. I told them that while feeling scared is perfectly understandable, we also have a choice in how we respond.

We can either let fear control us or take charge and reprogram our minds to feel confident and strong ⭐

Seeing the impact of this approach brings me immense joy. It’s a reminder that the knowledge and tools I’ve gained help both my family and me confront our fears head-on.

Fear is indeed a part of life, but it’s about recognising that it’s just our brain’s way of trying to protect us. The real power lies in choosing to move forward with courage.

I’m proud to share that our son went snorkeling despite his fear, and my daughter has managed to stay calm around wasps 😍😍

These experiences have reinforced how crucial it is to have the tools to face fears confidently. I’m deeply grateful to be able to help not only my family but also the wonderful people I work with during my coaching sessions.

So, here’s a question for you: Do you want to live in fear, or will you change the narrative and let fear loosen its grip on you?

The choice is yours.