Rediscovering Self-Confidence: Embracing Independence

Do you feel you’ve lost that inner self-confidence to do things alone?

Sometimes, I think about that 23-year-old girl who traveled the world by herself, navigating places like China, India, and many other amazing countries. The sense of adventure, the thrill of the unknown, and the confidence to tackle anything were a part of her essence.

Fast forward to now, I am rarely alone anymore. I go to the supermarket by myself, and I’ve started taking flights back to Scotland to see family (crazy, I know). Now that the kids are older, we’ve begun to do more adventurous things as a family.

However, recently, I did something that reignited that long-lost spark. I flew to Palma for a course and stayed in a hotel ALL BY MYSELF.

Navigating the flight, the local bus (all in Spanish, by the way), getting to the hotel, finding the course venue, meeting a bunch of wonderful ladies, and just enjoying being Mairi was an absolute breath of fresh air. It felt like a solo adventure, reminding me of my younger self.

I remembered that inner self-confident girl who navigated over 20 countries, feeling totally free yet a little anxious about not reading the timetable and missing her flight back! Though, being alone and carefree for a bit longer didn’t sound too bad! 

Confidence: A Muscle That Needs Exercise

Confidence is like a muscle; if you don’t use it, it starts to atrophy. But that doesn’t mean it’s gone for good. This recent solo trip was a reminder of that. It was an opportunity to MAGNIFY that part of me again, and I know I will continue to nurture it.

I have to—it’s a part of me that makes me feel truly alive! 

When we have kids, parts of us quiet down, and that’s okay. But it doesn’t mean they are lost forever.

Parenthood brings its own set of joys and adventures, but it’s essential to remember and reconnect with those aspects of ourselves that made us feel vibrant and alive before.

Embracing Independence: A Journey Worth Taking

Reconnecting with that part of myself was exhilarating. It’s not just about being physically alone but about feeling capable and confident in doing so. This journey of rediscovery has shown me that those independent, adventurous parts of me are still there, waiting to be tapped into.

So, if you feel like you’ve lost that inner self-confidence, know that it’s still within you. Take small steps, do things that challenge you, and remind yourself of the strength and confidence you possess.

Embrace the journey of rediscovery and let that confidence shine once again.